Miami Beach Beachfront Concessions Beachfront operations are authorized by the City of Miami Beach to either: 1) Upland Owner Concessionaire, or; 2) Direct City Concessionaire These are granted subsequent to the submission of all requirements, which grants the right to use the public beach land to rent beach equipment (lounge chairs, umbrellas and the like), sell food and beverages and/or rent waters ports equipment, or to furnish, without charge, any of the foregoing.
October 11, 2022 Update: City Staff is working on making numerous revisions to the existing Beachfront Concessions Application, Rules & Regulations, etc. (see below.) The MBNA and other neighborhood associations will be providing input and hopefully, the new document will be presented to the full City Commission to pass approval for implementation by July, 2023. As soon as these new documents are presented and approved, we will post them on this page. Below are the existing approved documents that are in the process of being revised: