Bike Lanes on Collins Ave Thanks to the advocacy of the Mid Beach Neighborhood Association and Better Streets Miami Beach, there is a good chance we will be getting a protected northbound bike lane on Collins Avenue when the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) completes its Resurfacing, Restoration, and Rehabilitation project between 26th Street and 44th Street. This past month, the Commission formally asked FDOT to incorporate this concept as well as the addition of pedestrian crosswalks to the project’s design.
CONCLUSION FDOT is currently in the design phase of a RRR project on Collins Avenue from north of 26 Street to 44 Street. The current FDOT project scope does not include a protected northbound bicycle lane along the corridor to serve as the companion bicycle facility to the southbound bicycle lane currently in construction as part of the City’s Indian Creek Drive Flood Mitigation Project.
The City’s Transportation and Mobility Department staff, the FDOT design team, and MBNA representatives have conducted a series of discussions and walk-throughs along the project corridor to identify existing deficiencies and identify if/how the upcoming FDOT project is addressing. A northbound bicycle lane was identified as one of the major deficiencies along the corridor which FDOT is not proposing to address due to scope, budget, schedule, and right-of-way constraints. Furthermore, FDOT advised that inclusion of a northbound bicycle lane on Collins Avenue would require the elimination of all the existing bus/trolley stops, on-street parking, freight loading zones, and concrete/landscaped bulb-outs along the project limits. To mitigate the concerns with the elimination of the four freight loading zones, the City has reviewed the possibility of relocating them to the side streets and to the east of Collins Avenue. To avoid the need to eliminate any existing bus/trolley stops along the project corridor, the City’s Transportation and Mobility Department staff has researched potential alternative design treatments and recommends that FDOT design and implement shared cycle track stops as part of the northbound bicycle lane design on Collins Avenue between 26 Street and 44 Street. This NACTO-endorsed treatment would allow the northbound bicycle lane to coexist with the existing bus/trolley stops and avoid the need to eliminate any transit stops.
Preliminary Design of Bike Lanes on 90% of street sections - January 28, 2022
SITE VISIT WITH CMB OFFICIALS on APRIL 5, 2021 Members from the Caribbean, Mosaic and BeachHouse 8 met with Mayor Gelber and City Officials on April 5, 2021 to do a site visit of the current MOT (maintenance of traffic plan) and discuss ongoing issues in the community. Below are photos of what was observed. We're confident the City will be working on addressing and resolving these serious issues soon.