Collins Corridor Project Working Group (41st to 63rd)
Chair:Alicia A. Casanova
Current Projects: Safety and other issues from 25th thru 41st streets; Traffic Operations Analysis from 41st thru 63rd streets; Street Roadway Improvement Project from 58th to 63rd Street.
Members: Jorge Pante, Peter Lash, Alexis Delgado
All MBNA Executive Board Members will be involved as needed.
Click button below for ROADWAY PROJECTS portal that provides updates on the 41st St Project:
41 Street Water Main Replacement Project - Meeting Recap Project Advisory: Friday, April 5, 2024 The City of Miami Beach held a virtual public meeting for the 41 Street Water Main Replacement Project on April 4, 2024. During this meeting, participants reviewed the details for this project and provided feedback on various items. Missed the meeting? Click below to view the list of resources below and stay informed and connected:
Please submit all comments through the project form on our webpage or via the email address listed below. For more information, please contact Gabriella Gonzalez, Neighborhood Affairs Coordinator at [email protected].
Groundbreaking Ceremony: 41 Street Water Main Replacement Project Please join the City of Miami Beach for the 41 Street Water Main Replacement Groundbreaking Ceremony on FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. at 3180 W. 41st Street. Once completed in the Fall of 2024, this project will provide the necessary flow capacity to support increasing demands along Collins Avenue.
Click on buttons below for detailed information on upcoming projects that will be impacting our community:
The start date of this FDOT project was extended from January 15, 2024 to the Spring of 2024. The MBNA will continue monitoring the progress and will post information since this project will be impacting us all. Below is the most current information:
FDOT'S "TOWN HALL" MEETING at City Hall on May 18, 2023 It was certainly an eye-opener to learn about the numerous roadway construction projects that are in the pipeline, most of which will be seriously impacting Miami Beach residents, employees and visitors alike. We created a new FDOT INFORMATION PAGE to provide our members with the latest information and communications so that we can all stay informed.
The Collins North Working Group Meeting took place on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. (via Zoom) PROJECTS DISCUSSED:
FDOT Indian Creek Drive/Collins Ave. Roadway Project (41st to 47th) - Regretfully, neither the FDOT or CHA (Consultants for this project) were able to provide us with their most recent Traffic Study or the Plans for the street reconfiguration of this area. Jose Gonzalez, CMB Transportation Director, reported that it was his understanding that the plans were 90% completed and that the CMB Transportation Dept. was anxiously waiting to see it. He stated this project is being expedited and that it's expected to incorporate two westbound right turn lanes on 41st street and Indian Creek Drive to alleviate traffic in this area. The westbound left turn lane from Collins Ave going north is also expected to remain the same; (see MBNA's position below.)
FDOT A1A Collins Corridor Study (44th to 63rd) - Shereen Yee Fong from FDOT and Nicole Estevez from Renaissance Consultants provided updates. They need a position from the MBNA to present at the next CMB Neighborhoods Meeting scheduled for April 18, 2023. Once Neighborhoods indicates their support, this will go to full Commission for approval. This project is in the funding stage and will take several years away before it commences.
FPL project - south phase (41st to 58th) - Christopher Ferreira with FPL explained that FPL would be scheduling community outreach meetings during the coming weeks. He is being invited to join us at our MBNA in-person annual meeting on April 19th at the Blue Diamond. Here FPL will be providing us with updates on the upcoming roadway project that is scheduled to commence in early May. Project will take place two blocks at a time with the first section starting from 46th to 48th street.
FDOT Roadway Project - (58th to 63rd) - Melissa Rodriguez, (Senior Community Outreach Specialist) was not able to attend the meeting, however, she sent MBNA an email and the FACT Sheet (see below)
MBNA members are extremely concerned with the traffic congestion and gridlock taking place during peak hours on Collins Ave. from 41st to 63rd streets. This situation is impacting both the residents of this area and the employees of condos and hotels that are spending excessive unpaid hours driving to/from work. Early last year, the MBNA requested for two southbound lanes to be created to ease westbound traffic on 41st Street at Indian Creek Drive, without sacrificing the northbound left hand turn on Collins Avenue at 41st Street.
On September 14, 2022, the FDOT requested the City to conduct a traffic operational analysis to evaluate the impact of the City's recommended modifications on the surrounding intersections along 41st Street, Collins Avenue, and Indian Creek Drive, as well as to identify any recommended intersection geometry, signal timing, or traffic flow modifications required as part of the reconfiguration. As of February 2, 2023, neither the City's Traffic Analysis nor the FDOT's Study have been provided to the community.
On January 30, 2023, Commissioner Alex Fernandez contacted the MBNA to explain he was about to present a Resolution (during the February 1st Commission meeting) addressing the need for a temporary solution which included dual westbound lanes on Indian Creek Drive and 41st street. The MBNA Executive Board immediately mobilized and on January 31st held a Special Meeting of the COLLINS AVE. WORKING GROUP. During this virtual Special Meeting, Commissioner Fernandez, City and State Officials and FPL reps were in attendance. Click here to view meeting: LINK OF ZOOM MEETING VIDEO.
MBNA's Position - February 2, 2023: The MBNA is currently advocating for the following:
Instead of proceeding with a temporary solution, we're now urging our City and State Officials to work jointly with FDOT so they can proceed with the permanent roadway improvement project of this area. This is in accordance with the September 14, 2022 Resolution approved by CMB Commissioners. This Resolution no. 2022-32294 (see link below) requested the FDOT to pursue the design and implementation of dual right turn lanes on southbound Indian Creek Drive onto westbound 41st street and allow the current westbound lane between Collins Ave. and Indian Creek Drive to remain open.
The permanent project would also include removal of certain parking spaces between 42nd and 44th streets, the redesign of the existing crosswalk, and installation of new signalization as needed.
MBNA has reached out to FDOT Secretary Miller and several City and State Officials explaining the urgent need to expedite the permanent reconfiguration of this area of 41st street.
The MBNA has requested for the City and/or FDOT to share the results of their Traffic Analysis and Study with the MBNA and hopes to receive this soon.
The MBNA expects to present their position with a Resolution at the next CMB Commission Meeting scheduled for February 22, 2023.
Below is the position that was expressed during the 2/1/23 CMB Commission Meeting:
TRAFFIC CONGESTION from 58th thru 63rd Street due to FPL construction project:
On February 1st, FPL reps met on-site with MBNA President Anamarie Ferreira de Melo from 12 to 1 p.m. They reviewed the project that is currently being conducted by three FPL contractors from 58th to 63rd street. At 6:00 pm, over 30 MBNA members, Commissioner Fernandez, City staff, and FPL Reps met virtually to discuss the project. As a result, several changes will occur over the next two weeks in order to expedite the project and improve the flow of traffic: 1. The City has allowed for the staging area from 60th to 63rd streets to be moved to parking spaces in the City’s 65th street lot. 2. During the day, MOT will keep two lanes open at all times. 3. In order for project to end by February 15th, the night time work permit was extended from Feb. 2nd to Feb. 12th, allowing for 24/7 work to continue for those 10 days, including during the evening hours of 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. . 4. Night time construction will block two lanes and have one lane remain open. 5. Night time construction crews will not prioritize work involving heavy machinery between the hours of 9 pm to 12 am to minimize nighttime disruption to residents. 6. The community supported the City granting a noise waiver that expires Feb 12th. 7. Commissioner Alex Fernandez proposed a Resolution on Feb 1st requesting for the County to assist with synchronization of the traffic signalization to assist with the flow of traffic. 8. Commissioner Fernandez also proposed greater assistance from law enforcement with moving traffic along the congested corridors. 9. This phase of the FPL project is expected to conclude by February 15, 2023. 10. FPL Reps have agreed to meet with MBNA members before the second phase (44 to 56 streets) commences.
November, 2022: MBNA members are extremely concerned with the traffic congestion on Collins Avenue/Indian Creek Drive and the 41st street area. The situation was aggravated when right turn on Collins Ave westbound to 41st street was reduced once again to one lane after the completion of the Indian Creek Drive project.
The MBNA is in support of the Mayor's September 14, 2022 Resolution, which includes that the "City conduct a traffic operational analysis to evaluate the impact of the City's recommended modifications on the surrounding intersections along 41st Street, Collins Avenue, and Indian Creek Drive, as well as to identify any recommended intersection geometry, signal timing, or traffic flow modifications required as part of the reconfiguration."
The City's Transportation Dept informed us on Nov. 2, 2022, that in order to provide two right turn lanes on Collins Ave. for westbound 41st traffic, reconfiguration must include removal of parking spaces on Collins Ave. between 42nd and 44th Streets. They have also informed us that the left turn on 41st Street for northbound traffic on Collins Ave. will remain open and will not be altered.
The MBNA requests for this project to be prioritized so that it can commence as soon as possible.
The MBNA also requests that any future studies take into account all modes of transportation commuting both north and south on Collins Ave turning Westbound on 41st Street.
Below is a passed and adopted Resolution requesting the FDOT to pursue the design and implementation of dual right turn lanes along southbound Indian Creek Drive, onto Westbound 41st street.
Overview The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is evaluating and planning for a multimodal improvement project along State Road (SR) A1A/ Collins Avenue from W 41 Street to W 63 Street, in the City of Miami Beach, Florida. Purpose and Need The purpose of the study is to identify, develop, and evaluate multimodal improvements addressing existing and future mobility for all modes of travel including pedestrian, bicycle, motorists, and transit. This study will address the possibilities to repurpose the service road, improve walkability, increase the overall comfort for all users, and connect users within and beyond the study area. MBNA's Position After several years of studies, walking audits, presentations, community design workshops, meetings and more, the MBNA Executive Board is in support of ALTERNATIVE 3B (per DRAFTS below) and feel this is currently the best option for our City, with the bicycle lanes extending to 41st street. We urge for this long-awaited project to be prioritized and expedited.
February 3, 2022 PUBLIC MEETING - FDOT Collins Avenue Planning Study for 41st thru 63rd street
Community Design Workshop presented by the FDOT regarding the Collins Avenue Corridor Project (from 41st thru 63rd Street) took place on Wednesday, August 18th at the Blue Diamond Condominium. (Below are photos. Video of the presentations will be posted as soon as their available.)
As part of the initial phase of the Study, the FDOT had two "Walking Audits" that took place on Wednesday, May 12th at 9:00 a.m. and Wednesday, May 19th at 5:30 p.m. Stakeholders joined City and FDOT Officials and Agents/Consultant Staff on a walk through Collins Avenue to identify areas of concern and make recommendations. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILED INFORMATION AND MAP ROUTE.
Please view the FDOT's video and slideshow of photos taken by the MBNA during FDOT's "Walking Audits" that took place on Wednesday, May 12, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. and on Wednesday, May 19th at 5:30 p.m.
"WALK-THROUGH" took place on TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 2021 This 2.5 hour walk-through served to assess the corridor of Collins Ave from 26th to 44th to identify the sidewalk issues and potential pedestrian safety issues as well as possible short-term and long-term solutions to those issues. The walk included representation from the following FDOT District 6 offices: Design, Traffic Operations, Construction, Planning, and Maintenance. Representation from the City of Miami Beach were also be in attendance. Tiffany Gehrke Bicycle/Pedestrian Coordinator & ADA Coordinator Planning & Environmental Management Office Florida Department of Transportation, District 6 Adam Leigh Cann Building 1000 NW 111th Ave Room 6111 Miami, FL 33172 Office ph: (305) 470-5308 Email: [email protected]
The MBNA has been advocating for the following:
Safe, separated Bicycle lanes (not unsafe "sharrows") to be prioritized throughout the City of Miami Beach, including Indian Creek Drive southbound and Collins Ave. northbound in this section and both southbound and northbound from 41st street thru 63rd streets (and hopefully beyond.)
ADA compliant sidewalks throughout entire stretch.
Additional Pedestrian Crossings.
Revised design of loading zones and adequate turning lanes.
Click link below to view slideshow of FDOT Meeting that took place on May 24, 2021, regarding Collins Ave. project from 26th thru 44th Streets:
TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS (Collins Ave. from 41st to 44th Streets) Commissioner Micky Steinberg requested a study to evaluate keeping two permanent turn lanes Westbound on Collins Ave. at 41st Street past the Indian Creek Drive construction project. Please click on link button below to view the Traffic Operations Analysis. RESERVE THE DATE: A "COLLINS AVE WORKING GROUP MEETING" is being scheduled for Wednesday, March 31st, at 6:00 p.m. via Zoom, to discuss this project.
The on-going speeding up and down Collins Avenue and 37th street, the effects of construction trucks blocking the street ends, and the constant u-turns being done by drivers mid-block, are creating a hazard to area residents. Several Condo reps are requesting for the City to create additional access on other streets.
On the morning of Tuesday, March 9th, CMB staff met with MBNA Board Members and Residents from Beach House 8, Caribbean and Mosaic Condominiums, to discuss the maintenance of traffic (MOT) plan on Collins Ave. between 35th and 41st street and Indian Creek Drive from 26th to 41st streets. CMB is putting together a comprehensive plan to address the numerous traffic issues affecting our neighborhood.
ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (Collins Ave. from 58th to 63rd Streets) The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is developing the design for a roadway improvement project on SR A1A/Collins Avenue/Indian Creek from 5800 Block to SR 907/63 Street, in Miami-Dade County. (Recording of FDOT Meeting with details of this project will be posted soon. )
Speeding/Drag Racing on Collins Ave. The Collins Avenue Working Group Members are very concerned with vehicles speeding and drag racing on Collins Ave, especially from 46th thru 63rd Streets. This is a serious safety concern that needs to be addressed by City Officials and enforced by the Miami Beach Police Dept.
Need for safe protected/separated Bike Lanes. The MBNA is advocating for safe, separated Bicycle lanes (not "sharrows") to be prioritized throughout the City of Miami Beach, including Indian Creek Drive southbound and Collins Ave. northbound.