Although these projects or topics of interest below are important to MBNA members, since they are not within our boundaries, we will not be advocating, just monitoring and providing information to our members. If an issue directly impacts the MBNA, it will be moved to the appropriate MBNA Working Group and followed up accordingly.
The 41st Street "Blue Ribbon Committee'" designated by Mayor Dan Gelber, has been working for several years with the City of Miami Beach in an effort to revitalize and enhance one of the primary gateways of Miami Beach. Since 41st Street links directly to MidBeach, MBNA has been monitoring this valuable project.
On October 1, 2020, AECOM joined the City of Miami Beach to present two different preliminary schematic design options for local residents and business owners to review for the 41 Street Corridor Revitalization Project. Please click buttons below for more information.
The MBNA is strongly opposed to unsafe "sharrow/shared" bike lanes, especially on major roads like A1A (Collins Ave), 41st street, Alton Road, Pine Tree Drive and Dade Blvd. We are strongly advocating for SEPARATED/PROTECTED bicycle lanes PAINTED IN GREEN with safe and visually interesting separators. These should be installed throughout our City and connected without sudden and unsafe endings.